October 2017

:WLJPÄJHSS` JVH[LK MVY X\PL[LY ZTVV[OLY TV[VYPUN . Only the hub and edges of Apec discs are coated with our long-lasting anti-corrosion formula. This selective application prevents brake pad contamination, which causes irritating noise and judder for your customers. Combine our precision-made high quality Z[LLS KPZJZ ^P[O V\Y OPNOS` K\YHISL IYHRL WHKZ HUK [OL`»SS HWWYLJPH[L [OL ILULÄ[Z of quieter, smoother braking. All Apec Braking friction and hydraulic components are guaranteed for 2 years or 24,000 miles. Terms and conditions apply.