October 2018

The No.1 magazine for automotive information OCTOBER 2018 www. a f t e r m a r k e t o n l i n e . n e t INSIDE Rights and wrongs of fault codes P20 John Batten looks at how you should be dealing with fault codes and gives his Top 7 Tips for Fault Code Success. Frank Massey: Let’s get it started P22 How to get to grips with ignition combustion diagnostics. Identifying what is causing the problem can be tricky. Automechanika Frankfurt P31 All the thrills, spills, and unveilings from the biggest aftermarket show in the world. All this and much more! TOP TECHNICIAN 2019 LAUNCHES! TURN TO PAGE 26 FOR ALL THE DETAILS ebuTuoKUKGN kusgulpkrapskgn/moc.koobecaf Y nkgn tb ’ hT moc.kt tti onaro seer f .lanigi suson r eu ROSNES:SGULPWOLG:SGULPKRAPS ORF SLIOCNOITINGI :S 1.ONS’DLROWEHTM