November 2018

I love a good scare, don’t you? There’s nothing quite like a fright to remind you that you are still alive and kicking. With Halloween just around the corner, you’d think this would be the perfect time of year for me to be in my element? Well, it’s good for the young’uns. Around this time of year the workshop fills up with big hairy spiders – mainly bought down the shop by members of the team to scare each other. The funny thing is, none of them are afraid of spiders! I’m not scared of spiders either. In fact, I don’t think I am particularly afraid of anything, apart from the impact of change. It’s not the change itself that bothers me though, let me be clear, it is the effect it has. Look at our industry – we are being stalked by all sorts of scary change. Everything from the rise of EV and hybrid technology, to the slow painful decline of diesel, and the rise of gasoline direct injection. Actually saying that, when I think about it, I’m not keen on needles! Then there is Brexit. Where will this leave us with regards to Type Approval and Block Exemption? What about the supply chain? I’m getting breathless now, and Mrs P jumping out at me wearing a witch mask is not helping! I might not be scared of witches, but anyone shouting “boo!” from our parts storage area when the lights are off will give me a fright. She wasn’t always the stern disciplinarian I make her out to be you know. What really worries me is skills. Not the skills of my team, or my own, they are top-notch and we make sure we do plenty of training to stay up to date. It is the gradual loss of skills as the old ways are lost, and the lack of new skills across the industry with so much new tech heading our way. The thing is, there is so much help out there. Training providers, trade associations parts manufacturers, factor groups and my great aunt Edna are offering courses. You just have to pick what you are interested in and then follow it through. Trust me, it’s worth it. We regularly update our technical training. We also do a little in-house training for some of the more retro tech for the younger staff, so they can deal with some of the older vehicles coming through the door. It’s not much use being able to understand what diagnostic tool is telling you when faced with a wind- up window or a broken crank-handle on a 1950s British car. We had both last week, between clogged DPFs on some German metal – now there’s something else that gives me chills. If I hear ‘Wind of Change’ by The Scorpions I have to change the radio station. Brrrr! So many mullets! Well, with Halloween on its way out, all I have to worry about is Bonfire Night and the prospect of loud bangs. Did I mention that I have a visceral dislike of back-firing exhausts? A SCARY PROSPECT 66 AFTERMARKET NOVEMBER 2018 TEABREAK: MEMOIRS OF A MOTOR MECHANIC