April 2019

APRIL 2019 AFTERMARKET 25 EYEBROW www.aftermarketonline.net TRAINING COURSES OFFERED ȏ ΖQWURGXFWLRQ 7R 'LDJQRVWLFV 'D\ ȏ &RPPRQ UDLO GD\ ȏ %DVLF RVFLOORVFRSH GD\ ȏ $GYDQFHG RVFLOORVFRSHV GD\ ȏ 'LUHFW SHWURO LQMHFWLRQ GD\ ȏ (QJLQHPDQDJHPHQW IXHO WULP GD\ ȏ 7XUER V\VWHPV WHVWLQJ GD\ ȏ ΖJQLWLRQ V\VWHPV GLDJQRVWLFV GD\ ȏ 'SI WHVWLQJ UHSDLU UHJHQHUDWLRQ WHFKQLTXHV GD\ ȏ &LUFXLW WHVWLQJ XVLQJ KRRN SRZHU SUREH ȏ &RUSRUDWH DQG EHVSRNH WUDLQLQJ Frank Massey is one of the UK’s leading experts in vehicle Diagnostics with over 40 years of industry experience. He is renowned in the motor industry for his unrivalled expertise and knowledge as well as running a successful commercial workshop. 2XU WUDLQLQJ FRXUVHV DUH PRGXODU EXLOGLQJ ERWK H[SHULHQFH DQG FRQȴGHQFH LQ D 6Ζ03/( 72 81'(567$1' DSSURDFK ZH FRYHU D ZLGH UDQJH RI VXEMHFWV LQWURGXFLQJ WRROV DQG WHFKQLTXHV GHYHORSHG LQ WKH $'6 ZRUNVKRS )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH FRQWDFW $QQHWWH (PDLO annette@ads-global.co.uk | 3KRQH 01772 201597 www.autoinform.co.uk braking system to support vehicle control through corners by applying a control force through the rear brakes. We now need to consider the vehicle proximity control system; the system employs an ultrasonic sensor to monitor and determine the environment. However, this interim system has several critical shortcomings, especially due to its narrow detection field and inaccurate position calculation regarding other vehicles and obstacles. The next modular enhancement introduces side or blind spot monitoring or side assist. This system also has limitations with range and vector limitations. Although operating on a high speed can network, it operates on a master slave principle, for example; slave units only transmit data and diagnostics on demand from the master module. It is of note that the vehicle now relies on no less than 13 control modules, with predictive position algorithms. Later evolution will include optical, video, ultrasound, infrared and laser. Optical lane assist which is mounted on the windscreen requires considerable coding and calibration, notwithstanding windshield replacement, so much for off-site repairers. Calibration & correction Calibration requires determination of the camera orientation, the exact installed location, the height at which the camera is installed and three orientation measurements. This is an electronic function as no mechanical adjustment is provided. Therefore any change in tyre, wheel diameter or suspension repair or modification will invalidate this system accuracy, including fault memory errors. We now move into the era of de-coupling direct driver steering input. This system allows computer correction of steering angle. For example, with a loss of driver control, ESP can introduce a counter steer input to regain control. This system is intended to maintain the maximum static traction between the road surface and tyre. Should this be insufficient to maintain a safe curve radius, the ABS can be employed to help recover the vehicle attitude. The system can carry out actual steering angle correction while the driver maintains a different steering wheel input, such as on snow, ice, or on flooded road surface conditions. In order to facilitate this function, a mechanical flexi- coupling is mounted in the upper steering column. The outer has 100 teeth, with the inner posessing 102. They can rotate together as one with direct driver input command or can rotate at a different angle disengaging driver direct input control. In effect this system still complies with statutory requirements as having still a de-facto fail-safe mechanical connection between driver and steering mechanism. Therefore is still level 0 status, in terms of autonomy. At this point we are a million miles from even level 2 or 3 autonomous control. Level 3 allows for the driver to release physical contact with vehicle controls yet remain available and alert in case of system failure. Please make your own mind up. However, I’m not for turning! www.aftermarketonline.net