June 2019

JUNE 2019 AFTERMARKET 25 EYEBROW www.aftermarketonline.net TRAINING COURSES OFFERED ȏ ΖQWURGXFWLRQ 7R 'LDJQRVWLFV 'D\ ȏ &RPPRQ UDLO GD\ ȏ %DVLF RVFLOORVFRSH GD\ ȏ $GYDQFHG RVFLOORVFRSHV GD\ ȏ 'LUHFW SHWURO LQMHFWLRQ GD\ ȏ (QJLQHPDQDJHPHQW IXHO WULP GD\ ȏ 7XUER V\VWHPV WHVWLQJ GD\ ȏ ΖJQLWLRQ V\VWHPV GLDJQRVWLFV GD\ ȏ 'SI WHVWLQJ UHSDLU UHJHQHUDWLRQ WHFKQLTXHV GD\ ȏ &LUFXLW WHVWLQJ XVLQJ KRRN SRZHU SUREH ȏ &RUSRUDWH DQG EHVSRNH WUDLQLQJ Frank Massey is one of the UK’s leading experts in vehicle Diagnostics with over 40 years of industry experience. He is renowned in the motor industry for his unrivalled expertise and knowledge as well as running a successful commercial workshop. 2XU WUDLQLQJ FRXUVHV DUH PRGXODU EXLOGLQJ ERWK H[SHULHQFH DQG FRQȴGHQFH LQ D 6Ζ03/( 72 81'(567$1' DSSURDFK ZH FRYHU D ZLGH UDQJH RI VXEMHFWV LQWURGXFLQJ WRROV DQG WHFKQLTXHV GHYHORSHG LQ WKH $'6 ZRUNVKRS )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH FRQWDFW $QQHWWH (PDLO annette@ads-global.co.uk | 3KRQH 01772 201597 www.autoinform.co.uk maintenance, less reliance on the independent garage sector. Back to boots on the ground: The technical evolution has quite literally been breath-taking. This has in the short term presented incredible opportunities for aggressive technical minded business owners and technicians. With opportunity comes challenge, investment and training. Complex vehicle systems require a comprehensive sound knowledge and infrastructure to provide a competitive service against the dealership network. Many garages out there are currently servicing and repairing systems without adequate knowledge or technical hardware to comply with original build spec requirements. Please do not take that comment as a cheap swipe without redress but a genuine helpful comment in realisation by how much this industry has changed. In comparison with other less technical trades, controlled by rigorous legislation we have been left to our own devices so far. Confident system diagnosis I was among the presenters at Autoinform Live. Obviously what I have just gone through is a very broad analysis, so for my segment I concentrated on more specific area. With this in mind, my presentation at the event focused on using available technology to combat the ever increasing difficulties in confident systems diagnosis. In particular, I focused on engine efficiency, pumping losses, and very accurate assent of valve piston relationship using a pressure transducer while the engine is running. I then expanded on cylinder balance using g vibration analysis. Succeeding If you are running a business, you will doubtlessly be interested in getting into the next era, but this may require some adaptation on your part. You also need to put yourself in the correct area. Like the dinosaurs before us, there is an extinction zone out there and the asteroid will hit our I industry sooner than you might like or think. If you are in the 10 mile radius training mindset then you really do need to lift you focus on the horizon or possibly to those businesses you resent or admire who are succeeding in your area. If you are one of those success stories then you already know me and are attending Autoinform events or something similar.