September 2019

SEPTEMBER 2019 AFTERMARKET 25 EYEBROW TRAINING COURSES OFFERED ȏ ΖQWURGXFWLRQ 7R 'LDJQRVWLFV 'D\ ȏ &RPPRQ UDLO GD\ ȏ %DVLF RVFLOORVFRSH GD\ ȏ $GYDQFHG RVFLOORVFRSHV GD\ ȏ 'LUHFW SHWURO LQMHFWLRQ GD\ ȏ (QJLQHPDQDJHPHQW IXHO WULP GD\ ȏ 7XUER V\VWHPV WHVWLQJ GD\ ȏ ΖJQLWLRQ V\VWHPV GLDJQRVWLFV GD\ ȏ 'SI WHVWLQJ UHSDLU UHJHQHUDWLRQ WHFKQLTXHV GD\ ȏ &LUFXLW WHVWLQJ XVLQJ KRRN SRZHU SUREH ȏ &RUSRUDWH DQG EHVSRNH WUDLQLQJ Frank Massey is one of the UK’s leading experts in vehicle Diagnostics with over 40 years of industry experience. He is renowned in the motor industry for his unrivalled expertise and knowledge as well as running a successful commercial workshop. 2XU WUDLQLQJ FRXUVHV DUH PRGXODU EXLOGLQJ ERWK H[SHULHQFH DQG FRQȴGHQFH LQ D 6Ζ03/( 72 81'(567$1' DSSURDFK ZH FRYHU D ZLGH UDQJH RI VXEMHFWV LQWURGXFLQJ WRROV DQG WHFKQLTXHV GHYHORSHG LQ WKH $'6 ZRUNVKRS )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH FRQWDFW $QQHWWH (PDLO | 3KRQH 01772 201597 to assist in NOx reduction. Barium also helps absorb sulphur requiring periodic de-sulphation. The PCM performs this process every 600mls by ensuring exhaust gas temperature around 600-650°C. This should take 15-20 minutes. The location of the cat and SCR has required copper zeolite to assist with higher operating temperatures. The additive injector is water-cooled to help protest both the nozzle and electrical circuit. The exact control of injector timing and additive quantity is a precise value based on the specific vehicle ID. To test the 5bar delivery pressure and two-way control valve in the additive tank module requires OEM software. Additive delivered into a calibration flask must meet exacting min-max values. We have also conducted tests on the variation in quality of adblue. I recommend either a SG test or refractometer ensuring 32.5% ratio of active agent and de-ionised water. We have seen large variations in agent quality. It should have little or no odour. Please note; a strong smell of ammonia should not be present. Performance I’m not insensitive to the improvements that diesel vehicles have attained. It’s just that they don’t perform as intended under actual road conditions. We find SCR additive consumption is often excessive requiring premature refill. Additive injector crystallisation and EGR cooler blockages are commonplace as well. Be careful when interpreting DTCs suggesting a blocked DPF. It can often be the cooler that is blocked, restricting gas flow and affecting the algorithms for AMM, gas temperature, and DPF pressure. This will of course directly affect regeneration strategies. Returning to my initial opening thoughts, is it clear that the fiscal life of a vehicle, especially diesels, could be ended by the cost of a single repair. The future will I believe move very quickly within certain demographics to PCPs and rental rather than ownership. This is just what the manufacturers want. This means that in a shrinking market is even more vital to understand and invest in the latest evolutions. Left: VW TDI engine