July/August 2020

The No.1 magazine for automotive information JULY/AUGUST 2020 www. a f t e r m a r k e t o n l i n e . n e t INSIDE Business planning: Part two P14 Andy Savva looks at what the objectives should be for your garage in the short, medium and long-term Combustion problems: Part 2 P22 Frank Massey continues his look at combustion complications, including the impact of peripheral systems Technical: Just break the cycle P24 John Batten starts a new series on how process can really help you in the workshop with successful diagnosis LKQ EURO CAR PARTS: Q&A WITH CEO ANDY HAMILTON PAGE 18 AND T TOP T OP GA ECHNI RAGE CIAN ARWA .topt www BOOK TIC 17th October echnicianawa KETS ONLI DS EV Jurys Inn | 2020 ds.co.uk r T NE A G ENIN , Milton Keynes SPONSORED BY: