December 2020

A pprentices, or the lack thereof, Brexit and COVID- 19; Is this the ABC that will write the story of 2021? Or will it be ADAS, Block Exemption and the commercial catastrophe that was 2020 setting the scene for the year? To get a definition, we asked the GEA, IAAF, IGA and IMI how they see the next 52 weeks playing out. GEA GEA Chief Executive Julian Woods observed “Putting last year behind us and all that 2020 brought us, such as the global COVID-19 pandemic, it’s time to look to 2021 and what opportunities that holds. “The GEA was original formed in 1945, making 2020 our 75th anniversary year. As many of the events and activities we were planning for the year had to be postponed, we are looking forward to celebrating this milestone next year instead.” On Brexit, Julian said: “Will it be a deal with the EU on imports and exports? or a no deal? How will this affect supplies of not only garage equipment but vehicle components too? How long can we accept the CE mark before the new UK approval marking system is implemented? We will keep you updated via the newsfeed on the GEA website.” With regards to connected equipment, he commented: “The DVSA are planning to mandate the next phase of connected test equipment into new MOT stations in March, namely exhaust emissions analysers. Many emission manufacturers have already had their equipment GEA-approved for connectivity to MTS ready for this upcoming change. If you’re looking at purchasing new emissions equipment in 2021 check out the list of DVSA- approved equipment on the GEA website.” MOT exemption The impact of the MOT exemption will still be felt too: “The DVSA are reporting that MOT stations seem to be handling the increase in demand caused by the MOT exemption that started in Spring 2020, deferring many thousands on MOTs until Autumn/Winter. What about next Spring though? “We understand from the market that many MOT equipment suppliers are getting booked up from April 2021 onwards for replacing/updating equipment, as MOT stations are looking to use the lull in MOT workloads to update their site. “Remember, always use a GEA member company when you are sourcing your next MOT equipment, for assurance of quality and standards. Check your supplier have GEA accredited engineers for lift and MOT installations, calibrations and servicing. Ask your engineer to show you their GEA accreditation card before they start work.” ADAS In conclusion, looking into the wider workshop, Julian asked a question: “Beyond the MOT world, are garages looking to the future? What equipment should they be thinking of investing in to help their business grow in 2021? “The most common question we seem to be asked about outside of MOT equipment is ADAS equipment. ADAS systems are commonplace on most new vehicles nowadays and many are becoming mandatory fit as laws changes. Remember, even the simplest of repairs can have an impact on an ADAS system, but for you to ensure they are operating correctly you need to take it to the local dealership and pay them to 8 AFTERMARKET DECEMBER/JANUARY 2021 BIG ISSUE THE ABC OF 2021? We asked some of the main organisations in the sector what the key themes for the next 12 months might be