April 2021

The No.1 magazine for automotive information APRIL 2021 www. a f t e r m a r k e t o n l i n e . n e t INSIDE Garage Inspector Graduates P16 The latest graduate from Andy Savva’s Garage Inspector programme to offer their insight is Tina Drayson from CCM Snap-on: LIN Bus explained P24 Snap-on’s Damien Coleman begins a three-part series on automotive communication networks with a look at LIN Bus Setting the bar high: Pt.3 P28 Frank Massey continues his ongoing analysis of that pesky Audi S3 issue, and continues to show how process is your friend ENTER THE COMPETITION! TURN TO PAGE 44 mewa.co.uk You don’t have to look far for the best industrial cleaning wipe. WE MANAGE THAT