Aftermarket July/August 2022 Issue

Below: JLM Professional DPF Cleaning Toolkit W ith customers increasingly looking for workshop-approved products for their vehicle, the professional motor factor stockist has a hard navigation task. hich products to recommend and which to avoid? Nowhere is this more apparent than the market for DPF products, with some cheap-as-chips concoctions making bold claims when in fact they can contribute to the death of the DPF. Kalimex is the UK distributor of the JLM Lubricants’ range of trade-trusted and trade-evaluated products. Their iconic range of DPF and emissions reducing products is a global bestseller in over 40 countries including Australia, Slovakia, Germany, Greece, as well as here in the UK too. Crucially, each product is highly-rated by DPF specialist technicians. We asked Colin Benzie from Kalimex to share the top four questions customers ask him about the bestselling JLM DPF products when calling Kalimex H.Q. Colin advised that they buy from their local motor factor stockist or ask their technician to do likewise. Q1: Can I use the JLM DPF Refill Fluid, or do I have to buy the brand recommended by my vehicle dealership? Yes, you can and no you don’t. The JLM Lubricants DPF Refill Fluid is the universal regeneration fluid alternative for the aftermarket. It can be used as an alternative for all currently known original parts’ numbers for the 34 AFTERMARKET JULY/AUGUST 2022 TECHNICAL The team at Kalimex regularly receive calls from members of the public on DPF cleaning and regeneration. Here, we find out the advice the guys are giving... manufacturers concerned. It’s a premium product at a great price especially when compared to the price of OEM DPF refill products, or ‘regeneration fluids’ as you might have heard them referred to. Here’s what Darren Darling, founder of the global DPF Doctor Network said about the problems of cheap fluids and why he uses the JLM product: AND YOUR QUESTION IS?