March 2018

As the number of power consuming devices in the panel increases so does the complexity of the power supply and fusing concept. With maxGUARD you save up to 50 percent of the space and 20 percent of the time compared to existing wiring solutions. The unique concept combines potential distribution and electronic load monitoring in a complete solution. If you prefer separate fuses, use our tailor-made Klippon ® Connect control voltage GLVWULEXWLRQ WHUPLQDO EORFNV <RX ZLOO EHQHÀW IURP DQ H[WUHPHO\ FOHDU DQG FRPSDFW design for your potential distribution. Sales: 0845 094 2006 Tech: 0845 094 2007 Email: Safe power supply to equipment in the panel Klippon ® Connect and maxGUARD for integrated load monitoring and control voltage distribution Let ’ s connect.