April 2019

n TECHNOLOGY TMM1 NFC MULTIFUNCTION TIMER & COUNTER TMM1 NFC DƵůƟĨƵŶĐƟŽŶ ƟŵĞƌ ĂŶĚ ĐŽƵŶƚĞƌ ŝƐ ŶŽǁ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ ǁŝƚŚ ǁŝƌĞůĞƐƐ E& ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵŵŝŶŐ ǀŝĂ ƚŚĞ ĨƌĞĞ ͞>Ks dK E& ͟ ĂŶĚƌŽŝĚ ĂƉƉ Ͳ ĞǀĞŶ ǁŝƚŚŽƵƚ ƉŽǁĞƌ͊ EŽ ĨƌŽŶƚ ĐŽŶƚƌŽůƐ ŵĂŬĞƐ ƟŵĞ ĂĚũƵƐƚŵĞŶƚƐ ĞĂƐLJ ƚŽ ƐĞƚ ĂŶĚ ϭϬϬй ĂĐĐƵƌĂƚĞ ǁŝƚŚ ŽƉƟŽŶĂů ƚĂŵƉĞƌƉƌŽŽĨ ƉĂƐƐǁŽƌĚ ƉƌŽƚĞĐƟŽŶ͊ 40 FUNCTIONS ĂƌĞ ŶŽǁ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚ ĚƵĞ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ƌĞŵŽǀĂů ŽĨ ŵĞĐŚĂŶŝĐĂů ĂĚũƵƐƚŵĞŶƚƐ͘ ^ĞƫŶŐƐ ĐĂŶ ďĞ ƐƚŽƌĞĚ ĂŶĚ ƐŚĂƌĞĚ ĂĐƌŽƐƐ ŵƵůƟƉůĞ ĚĞǀŝĐĞƐ ĨŽƌ ƌĂƉŝĚ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵŵŝŶŐ Žƌ ĮůĞ ƐŚĂƌŝŶŐ ǀŝĂ ĨƌĞĞ >Ks dK E& ĂƉƉ Žƌ ĞŵĂŝů͘ ^ĞƚƵƉ ŽĨ ƟŵĞƌƐ ŚĂƐ ŶĞǀĞƌ ďĞĞŶ ĞĂƐŝĞƌ͊ NFC 40 FUNCTIONS Search “Lovato NFC” for free download Te l : 01384 899700 • Fax : 01384 891654 • sa l es@lova to.co.uk • www. lova to.co.uk ROCKWELL AUTOMATION has announced an industrial controller that combines its Logix control engine with the Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise operating system, allowing users to view machine information at its source and make more informed operating decisions. The Allen-Bradley CompactLogix 5480 controller can support up to 150 axes of motion, making it ideal for large packaging and converting, printing and web applications that would benefit from a simplified architecture and smaller footprint. It also provides fast scan times and motion-loop updates to help improve machine throughput. “The controller can collect rawmachine data and reveal it to workers as useful information, right at the machine level,”says Jason Shaw, Rockwell’s global product manager for controllers.“Providing these insights close to where they’re produced allows workers to make smarter and faster operating decisions. As a result, they can better react to issues and ultimately increase productivity in a connected enterprise.” The controller can reduce latency by performing real-time data collection at the machine level. Users can view control information at its source, while other information can be sent on to the enterprise or cloud. The ability to run Windows applications can also reduce the need for a separate PC on the plant floor and shrink machine footprints. The controller incorporates multiple security functions, including user authentication and authorisation, role- based access and digitally-signed encryption. And because the Windows operating system runs independently from the control engine, any disruptions to the operating system will not affect machine or line control. “Companies deploying industrial IoT technologies no longer have the luxury of choosing between cloud or on-premises architectures – they need both,”comments Matthew Littlefield, president and principal analyst of LNS Research, which specialises in the digital transformation of industry.“The ability to access control-system data at the machine level and access insights from the cloud can deliver the agile decision-making that many companies desire.” www.rockwellautomation.co.uk Controller combined with Windows allows users to viewmachine data p RS Components has partnered with TE Connectivity to launch an learning centre on DesignSpark, its online platform for design engineers. The centre will offer users 5-10-minute-long, interactive courses on products and technologies such as sensors, micro- motor connectors and wire markers. In each course, extra resources will allow users to go deeper into a subject. www.rs-online.com/designspark/ te-learning-centre p Nidec has produced a prototype in- wheel motor for electric vehicles that weighs 32kg, delivers more than 100kW, and fits in a 20-inch wheel. The high- power, high-torque-density motor integrates reduction gears and an oil cooling system. It eliminates the need for a conventional power transmission, thus saving space and weight. Independent control of each wheel should improve stability and traction. Mass-production is scheduled for 2023. p The Arduino open-source hardware and software platform has introduced an easy-to-use IoT Cloud platform that allows users to develop and manage IoT applications. The platform builds on Arduino’s mission of making complex technology simple enough for anyone to use. The platform can be used to program Arduino boards, which previously needed to be programmed via Arduino Sketch. It automatically generates a sketch, enabling developers to achieve working devices within five minutes of unboxing a board. https://create.arduino.cc/iot