DAC February 2022

SMART FUNCTION KIT THE FUTURE OF HANDLING Easy to plan, simple to install. Is your production OLQH ÁH[LEOH" %RVFK 5H[URWK /WG www.boschrexroth.co.uk VarioFlow plus. (DV\ WR DVVHPEOH Quiet to use. 5H[URWK·V PRGXODU FRQYH\RU V\VWHP IRU IDVW PRYLQJ FRQVXPHU JRRGV f Save commissioning time and maintenance costs with quick and reliable system set-up and easy installation f Create a better working environment thanks to the quiet operation f Reduce your energy bill through optimised gliding properties and fewer conveyor drives f 'HVLJQ FRQÀJXUH DQG YLVXDOLVH \RXU FRQYH\RU V\VWHP TXLFNO\ DQG VLPSO\ ZLWK RXU SRZHUIXO 07SUR VRIWZDUH Faster, More intuitive, Smarter. SMART FUNCTION KIT THE NEXT LEVEL OF HANDLING Faster, more intuitive, smarter Wherever handling tasks in connection with automation technology are involved, the Smart Function Kit is the perfect ready-to-install mechatronic positioning and handling solution. It FRXOGQ·W EH VLPSOHU IDVWHU RU PRUH ÁH[LEOH ² EH LW for pick & place tasks in logistics, machine assembly, packaging technology or assembly processes. %HQ ÀWV • Easy engineering design ² /LQ6HOHFW VRIWZDUH WR FRQÀJXUH SUH VHOHFWHG NLWV • Simple commissioning ² 3UH LQVWDOOHG operating software, zero programming and intuitive browse based HMI screens. • Fast ² 3OXJ 3URGXFH FRPPLVVLRQLQJ ZL]DUG ZLWK DXWo-parameterization of the controllers. • Complete ² $OO FRPponents from a single supplier. Easy product selection Plug & Produce Zero programming sales@boschrexroth.co.uk