Drives & Controls February 2024

WEG is a world leader in producing stand-alone products, so why not complete systems? ☐ One stop supplier ☐ Investment optimisation ☐ Technological compatibility amongst the products (motor + gearbox + drive) ☐ Technical support (service centres with the same brand products) ☐ Global presence MOTORS DRIVES GEARBOXES DIGITAL What is WEGmotion Drives? WEG is a leader in developing and delivering stand-alone products for industry. When our products operate autonomously, they guarantee high performance and efficiency to the customer and allow total interchangeability with different machines and equipment. However, if your company demands total process control, regardless of your machine’s design, WEG provides fully integrated and flexible WEGmotion Drives solution that can maximise the performance of your machines utilising a combination of our products together, whatever the application. Why choose WEGmotion Drives?