June 2018

www.hpmag.co.uk HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2018 3 CONTENTS Editor: Ed Holden t | 01892 615806 e | ed.holden@dfamedia.co.uk Editorial Coordinator: Leslah Garland t | 01732 370340 e | leslah.garland@dfamedia.co.uk Editorial Assistant : Nicola Crawley t | 01732 370340 e | nicola.crawley@dfamedia.co.uk Commercial Director: Ryan Fuller t | 01732 370344 e | ryan.fuller@dfamedia.co.uk Senior Sales Executive: Andrew Jell t | 01732 370347 e | andrew.jell@dfamedia.co.uk DFA Direct: Ian Atkinson t | 01732 370340 e | ian.akinson@dfamedia.co.uk German Sales Office: Victoria Hufmann t | 911 939 76442 e | Victoria@hufmann.info Eastern US: Karen C Smith-Kernc t | +1 717 397 7100 f | +1 717 397 7800 e | KarenKCS@aol.com Western US and Canada: Alan A Kernc t | +1 717 397 7100 f | +1 717 397 7800 e | AlanKCS@aol.com Italian Sales Office: Oliver & Diego Casiraghi t | 031 261407 f | 031 261380 e | info@casiraghi.info Production Manager & Designer: Chris Davis t | 01732 370340 e | chris.davis@dfamedia.co.uk Reader/Circulation Enquiries: Perception t | +44 (0) 1825 701520 . e | dfamedia@dmags.co.uk Operations Manager: Ewa Hodden e | ewa.hodden@dfamedia.co.uk Finance Manager: Clare Jackson e | clare.jackson@dfamedia.co.uk Publishing Director: Ian Atkinson e | ian.atkinson@dfamedia.co.uk Published by: DFA Media Ltd, 192 The High Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BE t | 01732 370340 f | 01732 360034 e | info@dfamedia.co.uk w | www.hpmag.co.uk In co-operation with Printer: Garnett Dickinson, UK © Copyright 2018, DFA Media Ltd ISSN 1366-1981 H&P isacontrolledcirculationmagazine,published8 timesa year.PleasecontactDFAMediawithanysubscriptionenquiries. Paidsubscriptionsarealsoavailableonanannualbasisat £90.00 (UK),£120.00 (Europe)or£150.00 (Restof theWorld)P+P included.Thecontentof thismagazine,websiteand newslettersdonotnecessarilyexpress theviewsof theEditoror publishers.Thepublishersacceptno legal responsibility for loss arising from information in thispublication.All rights reserved. Nopartof thispublicationmaybeproducedorstored ina retrievalsystemwithout thewrittenconsentof thepublishers. 48 38 4 NEWS 18 KNOWLEDGE BASE 21 HYDRAULICS 38 APPLICATIONS Gary Molton, owner, Engineering Adventures, asks: Have Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) finally released the potential for high-quality online hydraulic training?; Camozzi Automation is equipped to offer training at many different levels and its courses are regarded as some of the best in the business; aptly demonstrated by the fact that they are frequently oversubscribed. 40 PNEUMATICS 44 INTEGRATED SYSTEMS For highest performance and precision, use closed-loop control, writes Tim Gessner, Ph.D., Delta Computer Systems Inc. 48 SPECIAL REPORT: MOBILE EQUIPMENT 51 BFPA Hydraulics & Pneumatics’ issue-by-issue briefing on current activities and views involving the British Fluid Power Association. 52 COMPRESSED AIR 55 BCAS Our regular news and events update on the British Compressed Air Society. 56 NEW FACES 57 RECRUITMENT 58 WEB LOCATOR 59 PRODUCTS & SERVICES DIRECTORY 52