September 2019

September 2019 OFFSHORE ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT 27 Renewables  Nanotechnology specialist NextGen Nano has released an infographic tracking the development and history of solar power, to explain the technology’s future. Since its inception, large surface areas have been required to provide any meaningful power generation from solar, but newer technologies like NextGen’s organic solar cells are set to change this. In a single hour, 430 quintillion joules of energy hits the Earth from the Sun. This is more power than the entire world consumes in a year. While solar power doesn’t significantly increase our carbon footprint or exacerbate global warming like burning fossil fuels does, it still only accounts for 1.7 % of global power generation. One of the biggest challenges for scientists and energy companies is capturing the sun’s projected energy efficiently. Traditional silicon solar photovoltaic (PV) cells have been found to be brittle, expensive and inefficient, generating energy with around 15 to 17% efficiency. An approach for lowering the manufacturing costs of solar cells and improving efficiency is to use organic materials that can be processed under less demanding conditions. “Despite being heavily subsidised, the prices of silicon-based solar panels are still not competitive with other conventional combustion techniques. So, at NextGen Nano, we have developed a technology that uses lightweight organic polymers in place of silicon,” explains Dr Franky So, inventor and chief technical officer of NextGen Nano. “These cells not only have the potential to be more efficient, they can also be used to make flexible and semi-transparent solar panels. “Scientists have long believed that the key to high efficiencies in PVs rests in the purity of the cell’s semiconductor material. Far less expensive to manufacture than silicon-based solar cells, organic materials like conjugated polymers are easy to process. As the infographic shows, NextGen’s patented technology can be designed to fit virtually any application, from wafer thin and robust applications to power vehicles, wearables and even military hardware.” The sun is a powerful and reliable energy source. By investing in technologies like NextGen’s polymer solar cells, we can begin harnessing the sun’s power more efficiently and at a far lower cost, across the globe. The full infographic is available to download for free from the website THE LIG W HTI AY NG Solar power through the years ULWQHQXURWHOED WVHKFQXDO$6$1 1964 \JRORQKFHWUDORV HWDHUFVWVLWQHLF6 1954 DORVWWDZ DQR\OH HFDSVVXEPL1WVUȴHK ODFLUWFHOHUHZRSQDF OHF93QRFLOLVWVUȴHKW \DUUDU HWLOOHWDVDWIDUF FQHLFɝH WDVHFLYHG HPLWWVUȴHKWVLVLK7O \ reaches 20% FQL\FQHLFɝH93 1957 to 1960 ODPUHKWUDORVIR HUFVLHQ2UDOR6 1973 RWPRUIVHVDHU UHZRS93UDORVGQD DUWDKWJQLGOLXEDGHWD VLKW \% \OSSXVGLUE\KDQRQ HUFVLOOHFUDORV$ 1999 KFDHUQDFWDKWGHWD \FQHLFɝH UDORVPOȴQLK7 1980s RIGHSROHYHGHUDVOOHF FWDZGQDVURWDOXFODFU VHK QRFUHZRS GHWQLUSHOEL[HO) 2015 HYQRFWDKWVOOHF 5ODQRLWD1HK7 1994 to 2000 \FQHLFɝHQRLVUHY HQJLVHGVOHQDSUDORV GHWFHOORFHKWIR WU RED/\JUHQ(HOEDZHQH HSDSVDQLKWVDHERWG HOEDVXRWQLWKJLOQXV POȴQLKWVHWDHUF\URWDU HYHLKFDU \JUHQH UDORV 13 H1 RPUHKWUXI WKWLZ .1% FOOHFUDORV QD1QH*W[ HURWGHȴLG OLELVVRSHK UIRHOEDSD VSROHYHGR 16% KFD JQLHEIR\WL JQLKFDH FLQDJURQD What’s to come? O K \UDWLOLPGQD KHYFLUWFHOH HVLODUWQHFHG has the potential to transform and D1QH*W[H1 L 7HUDZGUDK OEDUDHZVHOFL OSSD\JUHQH HFQDYGDVȇRQ K OE L FLQDJURVLK FLQRUWFHOHVH HNLOVQRLWDFL \JRORQKFHWG V RVVXRLYHUS \JRRQFHW N tGen’s cells not only have the VOOHFUDO DWVXVHURPV QDWHDQ DVUHHQLJQH RSIRKWODHZ WQHUDSVQDUW HVXHERVOD RWODLWQHWRS ex PQRULYQHGQ RWVHLWLOLELVV VOHQDSUDORV [HȵHNDPRWG FɝHHURPHE VWUHS[HODWQH JLVHGWFXGRUS DJQLGLYRUS PHVGQDHOEL QDF\HKWWQHL Q L For more information visit: Tel: +44(0)2038 564 143 e-mail: LQIR#QH[WJHQ QDQR FR XN Lighting the way