November 2017

Contents November 2017 | plant &works engineering | editor: Aaron Blutstein t | 01732 370340 e | editorial Coordinator: Leslah Garland t | 01732 370340 e | editorial assistant: Nicola Crawley t | 01732 370340 e | area sales manager: Steve Aslett t | 01732 370348 e | DFa Direct: Ian Atkinson t | 01732 370340 e | german sales office: Victoria Hufmann t | 911 939 76442 e | eastern Us: Karen C Smith-Kernc t | +1 717 397 7100 f | +1 717 397 7800 e | western Us and Canada: Alan A Kernc t | +1 717 397 7100 f | +1 717 397 7800 e | production manager & Designer: Chris Davis e | operations administrator: Chelsea Moss e | reader/Circulation enquiries: Perception-MPS Ltd. t | +44 (0) 333 577 9202. e | Finance manager: Clare Jackson e | Commercial Director: Ryan Fuller e | publishing Director: Ian Atkinson e | published by: DFA Media Ltd, 192 The High Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BE t | 01732 370340 f | 01732 360034 e | w | Official Supporters: Printer: GD Web Offset, UK © Copyright 2017, DFA Media Ltd ISSN 0262-0227 PWE isacontrolledcirculationmagazine,published11 timesayear.PleasecontactDFAMediawithany subscriptionenquiries.Paidsubscriptionsarealsoavailable onanannualbasisat£95.00 (UK)or£160.00 (Overseas)P+P included.Thecontentof thismagazine,websiteand newslettersdonotnecessarilyexpress theviewsof the Editororpublishers.Thepublishersacceptno legal responsibility for lossarising from information in this publication.All rights reserved.Nopartof thispublication maybeproducedorstored ina retrievalsystemwithout thewrittenconsentof thepublishers. BCAS official media partner 5 12 November 2017 1 News A round-up of what’s happening in industry, including BCAS’ monthly column. 3 CommeNt 12 maiNteNaNCe matters - iNCorporatiNg problem solver Focus on: thermal imaging/ inspection, maintenance & repair Thermography can help detect anomalies promptly as well as being able to carry out inspections more efficiently and increase availability. Jon Bawden, product manager, HVACR & General Instrumentation, Testo Limited, reports. 24 proCess, CoNtrols, & plaNt Focus on: Drives, motors & Controls/ pumps & valves A motor control centre (MCC) sits at the heart of an industrial plant. If well maintained, an MCC can last for decades, but despite their sturdiness, even the most reliable MCCs have to be retired at some point. Pat McLaughlin, operations director of Boulting Group, explains the early warning signs that an MCC needs replacing. 35 eNergy, the eNviroNmeNt &water Focus on: boilers, burners, & Controls Boiler operators are reminded of water hammer & thermal expansion threat as heating season approaches. PWE reports. speCial FoCUs 42 traiNiNg & reCrUitmeNt 44 health & saFety 48 ClassiFieD 49 proDUCts & serviCes DireCtory 35 24