May 2019

DRUM HANDLING DUST SUPPRESSION DOORS DRUMS DRUM HEATERS DISMANTLING & DEMOLITION SERVICES 'HZ 3RLQW 0RLVWXUH DQG +XPLGLW\ 0HDVXUHPHQW DQG &RQWURO 0LFKHOO ,QVWUXPHQWV RIIHUV VROXWLRQV IRU PHDVXULQJ PRLVWXUH KXPLGLW\ DQG R[\JHQ LQ PDQ\ DSSOLFDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ ‡ FRPSUHVVHG DLU GU\HUV ‡ SRZHU JHQHUDWLRQ ‡ DXWRPRWLYH ‡ QDWXUDO JDV ‡ SKDUPDFHXWLFDO ‡ VWDQGDUGV ODERUDWRULHV WHO ID[ XN LQIR#PLFKHOO FRP ZZZ PLFKHOO FRP XN DEW POINT MEASUREMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT National Coverage for: Demolition Dismantling Decommissioning & Redundant Asset AL m m w P Recovery Site Clearance Asbestos Removal Certifications: ISO 14001, ISO 9001 ISO 50001, OHSAS 18001 Safecontractor CHAS, Constructionline® Achilles UVDB Verify & F NFDC, ARCA, FORS Contacts: ww Tel: 01661 832422 E-Mail: CONDITION MONITORING EQUIPMENT BUSINESS IS OUR UPTIME YOUR WEB: www E-MAIL: 01706 835 331 CONDITION MONITORING NEEDS ACT US TO DISCUSS YOUR CONT PRODUCTS & SERVICES DIRECTORY To advertise contact Nicola Crawley t: +44 (0) 1732 370 340 e: t-air The cost effective solution to dusty buildings, any size, any shape, any dust. Instant dust suppression without wetting floors, stock, machinery or personnel. info@mist-air leaders in dust suppression technology For quote or site-visit email: mis ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE