May 2019

| 18 | May 2019 | STRATEGIES | T he speed of 3D print development over the past few years has frustrated and excited in equal measure. No one would deny the compelling vision presented by a technology that offers the chance to essentially manufacture on demand or the prototyping opportunities enabled by low cost desktop 3D printers. At the same time, there have been constraints that have delayed adoption, even deterred companies from exploring the opportunities. From lack of access to appropriate materials to a limited understanding of the potential of the technology, many firms’ perception of 3D printing is still rooted in the early forays into the market a decade ago. This year, however, a number of critical innovations are coming together that herald a new era in 3D printing and its cognate technologies.. From the interaction of 3D printing with AI and machine learning; to immediate access to tens of thousands of chemicals for new material development; and proven models that blend AI driven Generative Design with 3D printing and traditional manufacturing processes. AI & Machine Learning AI is transforming design; innovations in Generative Design (GD) are hugely exciting, enabling engineers to fundamentally reimagine design concepts. From creating lighter weight parts, using fewer resources yet offering the same mechanical properties, to using biomimicry to discover sustainable solutions, innovations in design are set to transform the viability of projects from car Paul Croft, founder of CREATE Education Project explains, 2019 will be the year organisations of every size begin to drive new value from 3D printing. 2019 – The year of 3D printing