October 2019

| TECHNOLIGIES | T here is no doubt that material diversity – or the lack of it – was an early constraint to widespread 3D print adoption. Initial developments were restricted to materials such as ABS thermoplastic and the renewable but less robust PLA. Elastima based materials then started to creep into the market; before wood fill and brass fill – www.smartmachinesandfactories.com October 2019 | 27 | materials essentially focused on aesthetics and finish quality rather than engineering grade material – added to the technology’s somewhat hobbyist perception. New materials: The 3D print revolution An open culture has been an essential catalyst for the speed of adoption and development of the 3D printing marketplace, underpinned by collaborative and knowledge sharing. With the Ultimaker Material Alliance Programme, professionals globally have access not only to a vast library of materials but also invaluable knowhow and shared experience. Smart Machines & Factories takes a closer look at the new 3D printable materials enabling a new generation of applications.